The Weather House

Summer hats
  squirrel woman
The Weather House

squirell man
The Weather House is a public commission for a kindergarten, situated by the edge of the woods. It is similar to the traditional alpine "Wetterhäuschen", model houses usually displaying the figure of a man with an umbrella and a woman in a summer skirt. The two figures move back and forth in the model house, depending on the weather conditions.
In this case, the figures appearing in the house's window are half (wo-)man, half squirrel. The mechanism exchanging the figures is driven by rainwater running into and out of the house. Inside, a wardrobe provides either summer hats or raincoats. These were created together with the kindergarten's children.
The house has an entrance and an exit door leading out to the woods. It can thus be used as an outpost before and after daytrips.
later work